SunPower Performance 7 P7 Why Flyer
Why choose SunPower Performance solar panels?
A better panel, a better warranty We offer a comprehensive, best-in-class warranty. Why offer such a strong warranty? As technology leaders, we always have. We design our panels to mitigate and address common failure modes seen in standard panels. Invest with confidence knowing you’re buying from a company that has a history of nearly 40 years in the industry.
Fact: Only 1 in 20,000 panels returns to us under warranty – that’s 0.005%, 100 times lower than standard solar panels.
Powerful cell technology Next generation Performance panels feature TOPCon cells, resulting in more power and efficiency.
Elegant design Smaller metallic wires help to achieve a sleek black appearance, combining outstanding power and visuals.
Reliable cell connection A specially engineered flexible cell connection helps to protect the panels against real-world challenges.
Shade and hotspot mitigation The shingled-cell design helps to manage shade and keep cell temperatures low. Panels that can handle shade and keep cells cooler can produce more power and are a safer option long-term.
Unique shingled-cell technology Currently, the only TOPCon panel in the market with a shingled-cell design. Offering cooler cell temperatures and strong shade mitigation.
Better coverage and less risk Built to last, Performance panels are covered by a comprehensive Power, Product, and Service warranty. In comparison, standard solar panels do not offer the same coverage (especially relating to Product defect warranties).
Fact: Up to 30% of standard solar panels have issues within 10 years of operation.
A leader in sustainability
- Maxeon was recently named one of the 50 most sustainable companies in the world by Corporate Knights.
- Supply chain with demonstrated respect for human and labour rights at the factories.
- Established Conflict Minerals Policy to support responsible mineral sourcing.
- Panels are engineered to have a long product lifecycle, with the Performance product line consistently achieving PVEL Reliability Top Performer status.
- Support customer recycling efforts by working with local experts in the countries where we operate.
- Supply chain facilities undergo operations and working conditions audits by external third party auditors. Results are published on the Sedex platform for transparency.
Fact: A product with 30 years of warranty, built with regard for environmental and social impacts, means you don't have to sacrifice quality, value and reliability to make a good choice for the planet.